Google The Unplanned Homeschooler: Homeschool Bullies
Showing posts with label Homeschool Bullies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homeschool Bullies. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Homeschool Bullies: Dealing with Mean Kids, Cliques and Mama Drama

It's one of the least talked about issues in homeschooling today. That's right, I am talking about the problem of homeschool bullies. We don't want to acknowledge they exist, because they mess up the positive picture we'd rather paint. But they do exist, and although homeschooling can be a wonderful experience, and there's no other form of education I would rather choose for my kids, dealing with the bullies within the homeschool community is no fun at all.

I wrote this book after hearing way too many stories of families who started homeschooling only to find themselves bullied within their local groups or online. And having played the role of both a homeschool bully and the victim of bullying myself, I decided it was time to own up to my part in it and make a change for the better.

I take full responsibility for my own actions, and hope that the readers of this book will, too. I believe that working together, we can improve our community, if not for ourselves than for our kids. We can put a stop to homeschool bullying, if we are just brave enough to shine a light on it and learn how to deal with the mean kids, the cliques and the mama drama that we discover.

Visit my store to pick up your copy of "Homeschool Bullies: Dealing with Mean Kids, Cliques and Mama Drama" from CreateSpace or Amazon.